Are your Life Care Plans or
Medicare Set Aside Allocations piling up? Perhaps our Life
Care Planning Research would assist you to increase your
output and ultimately improve your bottom line.
NurseValue recognized a need
for research service when producing our own life care
plans. We had certified life care planners that were
absolutely necessary in authoring comprehensive care plans,
but they spent much of their time researching not only
literature, but geo-based pricing. We found that it was
cost effective and certainly more productive to delegate the
pricing portion of the reports to trusted staff with
knowledge of coding, health care and general life care
planning principles. These individuals increased our coding
accuracy and expedited the Life Care Plan to our client.
All documentation was available for quality assurance
testing and documentation of sources was available for
further contacts when they became necessary. We found we
could increase the turn around time of each life care plan
and increase our gross income. The Life Care Plan Research
product was born.
Product Features
Number of price quotes per
client directives
Fast turn around (most pricing
obtained within 24 hours)
Accurate, appropriate codes
utilized for pricing
Availability of various
pricing methods (i.e.: state fee schedules, usual customary
and reasonable and actual price quotes within local area)
Customizable product to meet
your needs
All reports go through a
stringent quality assurance process
All prices include verifiable
sources with treating physician pricing when available
Easily read electronic
Electronic pricing to support
your invoicing to your client
Large data base of pricing
options available to onsite researchers
Product Benefits
Allows Life Care Planner to
focus on their area of expertise
Increases Life Care Plan turn
around time
Defensible pricing
Certified coding quality
Copy and paste report
No delay of end product
Research cost is well below
available Life Care Planning hourly charges
Increased Life Care Planning
capacity without increased staffing costs
Product Cost: 50 dollars per
hour (pricing does not include quality assurance review)
Quality assurance is integral to
all of NurseValue’s products and services. These processes
include: Quality assurance department analysis, quality
review committee meetings, customer satisfaction surveys,
benchmarking and score card system to continued improvement.
Tool for
assessment of need in court or settlement conference
Comprehensive and
accurate cost projection
Defensible legal
Cost: Hourly price agreed upon
by NurseValue and You. Expense reimbursed one-to- one. No
expenses for administrative functions.
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